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:bus::bus::bus:android 动画、自定义控件,学习记录demo

How to download and setup AndroidAnimationView

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/jiezongnewstar/AndroidAnimationView.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of AndroidAnimationView repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with AndroidAnimationView https://github.com/jiezongnewstar/AndroidAnimationView/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone AndroidAnimationView with SSH
[email protected]:jiezongnewstar/AndroidAnimationView.git

If you have some problems with AndroidAnimationView

You may open issue on AndroidAnimationView support forum (system) here: https://github.com/jiezongnewstar/AndroidAnimationView/issues

Similar to AndroidAnimationView repositories

Here you may see AndroidAnimationView alternatives and analogs

 sheetjs    xbmc    legit    php-curl-class    substance    nokogiri    structured-text-tools    ServiceStack    countries    node-xml2js    rest-assured    tokenizer    poco    Ono    mimesis    posthtml    tbox    minify    pugixml    ShapeOfView    intellij-rainbow-brackets    prettydiff    Material-BottomNavigation    oga    js-word    render    svgo    acl    EVReflection    Snowflake