Discover best open source projects from GitHub by topics and ratings.
JavaScript is used to give webpages a more interactive feel. Its event...
React makes it simple to develop interactive user interfaces. It uses...
Node.js is a tool for executing JavaScript in a variety of environment...
Python is a dynamically typed programming language designed by Guido V...
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used most often to style an...
Android was designed and built by Google in 2008. The operating system...
Ruby was developed by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in 1995 with the inten...
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, was primarily designed to provide...
Go is a programming language built to resemble a simplified version of...
iOS is the operating system for all of Apple’s mobile products. The op...
PHP is a scripting language that's particularly suited for server-side...
An awesome list is a list of awesome things curated by the community....
Swift is a general-purpose programming language built using a modern a...
macOS is the operating system that powers every Mac computer. It was d...
Java was originally developed as an alternative to the C/C++ programmi...
Electron is a desktop application framework developed by GitHub and cr...
Linux is an open source operating system modeled after UNIX. Widely us...
Git is the most widely used version control system, which allows for t...
ECMAScript is the standardization of script languages, including JavaS...
Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that streamlines website de...
Windows is Microsoft's GUI-based operating system. It is known for its...
C++ is a popular and widely used mid-level language. It was designed a...
Docker is software that provides containers, which allows teams to emu...
Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a web application framework written in Ruby....
TypeScript is an open source programming language developed by Microso...
Material design is a design language developed by Google. It makes use...
C is a programming language designed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. C...
Objective-C builds on the foundations of ANSI C. Compared to other obj...
Redux is an open source JavaScript library, designed to allow for stat...
Webpack is a bundler that takes modules with dependencies and creates...
Vim is a highly customizable text editor that can run in a shell. Bram...
Released in 2016, Angular is a rewrite of AngularJS. It focuses on goo...
Laravel is a popular PHP framework, used for the development of MVC we...
In the fields of information technology and systems management, applic...
Vue is a JavaScript framework for building websites. The intent of Vue...
jQuery is a lightweight library that simplifies programming with JavaS...
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a standard file format that uses...
TensorFlow is an open source library that was created by Google. It is...
C# is a programming language used for web development. It is a hybrid...
Cybersecurity (security) includes controlling physical access to hardw...
? Babel is a compiler created by Sebastian McKenzie in 2014 to convert...
Testing is the practice of systematically testing software to make sur...
Scala is a general-purpose programming language providing support for...
React Native is a JavaScript mobile framework developed by Facebook. I...
ESLint is an extensible static-analysis tool for JavaScript and relate...
Django is a web application framework for Python. It is designed to pr...
Rust is a systems programming language created by Mozilla. It is simil...
Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is a shell and command language interpreter...
Kubernetes (commonly referred to as "K8s") is an open source system fo...
Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of that provides on-dem...
Contentful is a content infrastructure that is disrupting the legacy C...
MySQL is an open source relational database management system. Based...
Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is...
PostgreSQL is a database management system that is object-relational....
Markdown is a lightweight markup language. It is designed to be a simp...
Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework for we...
Lua is a programming language written in C that emphasizes performance...
GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook. It provides an...
Atom is a modern open source text editor developed by GitHub. It is de...
Express.js is a simple Node.js framework for single, multi-page, and h...
Flask is a web framework for Python, based on the Werkzeug toolkit.
Jekyll is a blog-aware, site generator written in Ruby. It takes raw t...
Sass is a stylesheet language with a main implementation in Ruby. It i...
Npm is a package manager for JavaScript, included with Node.js. As a p...
Ansible is a simple and powerful automation engine. It is used to help...
MongoDB is a NoSQL cross-platform database. It is designed for scalabi...
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is the computer industry's standard API...
.NET is a software framework developed by Microsoft in February of 200...
The general deployment process consists of several interrelated activi...
Clojure is a functional, dynamic, general-purpose programming language...
The Raspberry Pi is a popular single-board computer designed to promot...
Emacs is an extensible text editor written primarily in Emacs Lisp. W...
Haskell is a functional (that is, everything is done with function cal...
Homebrew is a package manager for Apple's macOS operating system. It s...
Publishing is the creation of documents using page layout skills on a...
Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distrib...
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for modern multiplat...
Qt is a cross-platform application framework used for developing gui a...
R is a free programming language and software environment for statisti...
Firebase is a mobile app development platform that provides data analy...
Developers can create custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags for the...
Ember is a JavaScript framework based on a MVVM (model-view-view-model...
Gulp is an open source toolkit built on Node.js and npm. It is used fo...
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is written in C/C++, for...
Yii is a popular PHP framework, for efficiently developing fast and se...
Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support fo...
Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which...
Arduino is an open source hardware and software company and maker comm...
Google Chrome Extensions are add-ons that allow users to customize the...
Spring Boot is a coding and configuration model for Java applications....
Twitter is an online news and social networking service where users po...
LaTeX is a typesetting system used to create technical and scientific...
Vagrant is a software product for building and maintaining portable vi...
Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned, San Francisco, California-based software...
Published by Mojang, Minecraft is a game that allows its players virtu...
Ubuntu builds upon Debian's architecture to provide a Linux server and...
Perl runs on over 100 platforms ranging from portables to mainframes....
Automate your code review with style, quality, security, and test‑cove...
Unity is a game development platform used to build high-quality 3D/2D...