三国志英杰传游戏复刻 3guoheros;AI-FACES:人脸检测 lfw;C10K:netty/nodejs websocket/socketio长连接;SeetaFaceEngine:源码集成编译;android:联系人备份、天气、进程清理、万年历、行政区划、录音截屏;KOTLIN:BING壁纸;C++C#:COM组件事件回调;JAVA:sqlite数据库转greendao bean;china-pome:唐宋诗词;1bpp-monochrome-bitmap:android bitmap转存单色位图; face-detection:opencv人脸检测;iptools:nodejs/typescript扫描IP;
How to download and setup NotifyTools
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of NotifyTools repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with NotifyTools
Or simply clone NotifyTools with SSH
[email protected]:yippeesoft/NotifyTools.git
If you have some problems with NotifyTools
You may open issue on NotifyTools support forum (system) here: to NotifyTools repositories
Here you may see NotifyTools alternatives and analogs
openFrameworks openpose opencv caire Is-Now-Illegal BossSensor TagUI javacv faceai opencv4nodejs sistine gocv opencvsharp bgslibrary OpenSfM object_detector_app opentrack FaceTracker lbpcascade_animeface OpenCV3-Intro-Book-Src ChosunTruck MMCamScanner OpenCVForAndroid eyeLike opencv ofxCv Repo-2017 Human-detection-and-Tracking lambda-packs