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Qt 实现的 Ribbon 风格菜单栏,基本思路是定制QTabWidget,通过QSS(样式表)实现显示样式的调整,QRibbon的原则是尽量不侵入正常业务逻辑的开发,所以在开发基于QMainWindow的程序时,可以按照正常的开发流程创建界面,创建普通的菜单栏以及菜单项及其信号槽关联,最后调用QRibbon::install(&mainWindow)函数即可自动创建出与QMainWindow原有QMenuBar相对应的Ribbon...

How to download and setup QRibbon

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/gnibuoz/QRibbon.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of QRibbon repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with QRibbon https://github.com/gnibuoz/QRibbon/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone QRibbon with SSH
[email protected]:gnibuoz/QRibbon.git

If you have some problems with QRibbon

You may open issue on QRibbon support forum (system) here: https://github.com/gnibuoz/QRibbon/issues

Similar to QRibbon repositories

Here you may see QRibbon alternatives and analogs

 react    storybook    layui    awesome-android-ui    material-dialogs    react-native-elements    Material    animated-tab-bar    whoops    SnapKit    folding-cell    kivy    recharts    linux-dash    openage    ungit    reactstrap    MahApps.Metro    choo    tingle    oni    tiled    liteide    qt    qutebrowser    MuseScore    mapbox-gl-native    qTox    Clementine    antimony