🤖📻 A Reddit Music Bot template built for Heroku that automatically adds songs from subreddits to Spotify.
How to download and setup RedditMusicBot
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of RedditMusicBot repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with RedditMusicBot
Or simply clone RedditMusicBot with SSH
[email protected]:JossMoff/RedditMusicBot.git
If you have some problems with RedditMusicBot
You may open issue on RedditMusicBot support forum (system) here: to RedditMusicBot repositories
Here you may see RedditMusicBot alternatives and analogs
js-stack-from-scratch reddit voten login-with sharer.js express-babel Zewo up vertigo epic node-express-mongoose-demo great-big-example-application procodile boilerplate-rails-5-app Express-Starter caprover rtv praw Slide CatchUp RedReader programming-language-subreddits-and-their-choice-of-words ripme SubredditSimulator awesome-subreddits Shreddit flask_reddit redditmusicplayer dailyprogrammerchallenges Daily-Reddit-Wallpaper