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True Reality (TR) is an open source LGPL Game and Simulation Engine written entirely in Standard C++ and OpenGL. It runs on all Windows platforms and GNU/Linux. OpenSceneGraph is used as its graphics engine, along with many other open source projects for support of various features.

How to download and setup TrueReality

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/acidrainstudios/TrueReality.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of TrueReality repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with TrueReality https://github.com/acidrainstudios/TrueReality/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone TrueReality with SSH
[email protected]:acidrainstudios/TrueReality.git

If you have some problems with TrueReality

You may open issue on TrueReality support forum (system) here: https://github.com/acidrainstudios/TrueReality/issues

Similar to TrueReality repositories

Here you may see TrueReality alternatives and analogs

 libgdx    aframe    spritejs    matter-js    openage    tinyrenderer    appleseed    yii2-render-many    cocos2d-x    CRYENGINE    Babylon.js    arcan    boardgame.io    tangram    imgui    pixijs    bgfx    Texture    rendertron    webglstudio.js    mapnik    asm-dom    rust-doom    react-tv    gg    herebedragons    Glitter    phenomenon    ScriptableRenderPipeline    Nidium