Yii project template with a lot of basic project must-have features, such as containerization and deployments to GCR, ECR, Dockerhub and regular old VM using Github Actions. Also Unit Test, Code Coverage, Static Analysis and Staged Flow (such as dev, staging, uat and production) are part of this project template repository.
How to download and setup yii-starter-kit
Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/namikazebadri/yii-starter-kit.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of yii-starter-kit repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with yii-starter-kit https://github.com/namikazebadri/yii-starter-kit/archive/master.zip
Or simply clone yii-starter-kit with SSH
[email protected]:namikazebadri/yii-starter-kit.git
If you have some problems with yii-starter-kit
You may open issue on yii-starter-kit support forum (system) here: https://github.com/namikazebadri/yii-starter-kit/issuesSimilar to yii-starter-kit repositories
Here you may see yii-starter-kit alternatives and analogs
yii2 yii2-shop yii yii2_fecshop yii2-app-advanced yupe dotplant2 yii2-app-basic getyii yii2-httpclient yii2-redis list yii2-elasticsearch cms yii2-mongodb yii2-file-upload-widget yii2-imagine yiiframework.com iisns yii2-apidoc yii2-framework yii2-easy-wechat yii2-minify-view yii2-docker yii2-bootstrap yii2-ckeditor-widget yii2-debug ar-softdelete crontab yii2-sphinx