How to download and setup aquila-features
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of aquila-features repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with aquila-features
Or simply clone aquila-features with SSH
[email protected]:imranhsayed/aquila-features.git
If you have some problems with aquila-features
You may open issue on aquila-features support forum (system) here: to aquila-features repositories
Here you may see aquila-features alternatives and analogs
babel nylas-mail react-starter-kit ava front-end-guide electron-react-boilerplate electron-vue backpack opensource vanilla-back-to-top generator-phaser-plus react-pwa crate poi generator-module-boilerplate npm-es-modules thinkjs babel-standalone express-babel vortex-react express-api-es6-starter babel-webpack-package-boilerplate koa2-es2017-api-boilerplate generator-angular-fullstack nwb slinky babel-handbook documentation grommet minify