A wide range of scripts for Windows interpreter (cmd.exe) and other interpreters such as bash shell (.sh), visual basic (.vbs), jscript (.js), python (.py), perl (.pl) and so on. Plus some set of standalone console utilities and tools aside other utilities and tools from cygwin, msys and mingw. • :page_with_curl: :page_with_curl:
How to download and setup contools
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of contools repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with contools
Or simply clone contools with SSH
[email protected]:andry81/contools.git
If you have some problems with contools
You may open issue on contools support forum (system) here: to contools repositories
Here you may see contools alternatives and analogs
Command-line-text-processing arl weechat Monitorix fusioninventory-agent netapp-cdot-nagios mojo mt-aws-glacier rsnapshot Mojo-Webqq Mojo-Weixin convos weed theos ack2 kaitai_struct KomodoEdit zeroclickinfo-goodies openkore OneLang sysadmin-util zeroclickinfo-spice cli trizen scripting_course shc nipe Color-Scripts ls-- open-build-service