机器学习师从Andrew Ng(吴恩达),获得在Coursera平台上斯坦福大学Andrew Ng(吴恩达教授)机器学习(Machine Learning)的资格证书,为了有一个平台和大家分享和交流机器学习,因此特地在此进行课程的:笔记整理,重点划分,内置习题,在线习题,在线编程题等整理。后期会持续更新吴恩达教授的深度学习的课程,以及后期参加Kaggle比赛的全过程,希望大家持续关注噢。
How to download and setup MachineLearning
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of MachineLearning repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with MachineLearning
Or simply clone MachineLearning with SSH
[email protected]:hongyuXie/MachineLearning.git
If you have some problems with MachineLearning
You may open issue on MachineLearning support forum (system) here: to MachineLearning repositories
Here you may see MachineLearning alternatives and analogs
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