Generate a readme from a template and package.json data. If you need something more comprehensive, I recommend using Verb.
How to download and setup readme-generator
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of readme-generator repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with readme-generator
Or simply clone readme-generator with SSH
[email protected]:jonschlinkert/readme-generator.git
If you have some problems with readme-generator
You may open issue on readme-generator support forum (system) here: to readme-generator repositories
Here you may see readme-generator alternatives and analogs
django dashboards gulp-webpack-starter bojler cache-pug-templates load-templates awesome-stock-resources assemble pongo2 eleventy libreoffice-impress-templates tufte-latex smarthome email-templates android-templates-and-utilities yo pollinate microgen jinja SwiftGen azure-quickstart-templates Sourcery shards-ui cgal plates sprig django-analytical github-issue-templates bootswatch-rails