KMinion is a feature-rich Prometheus exporter for Apache Kafka written in Go. It is lightweight and highly configurable so that it will meet your requirements.
How to download and setup kminion
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of kminion repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with kminion
Or simply clone kminion with SSH
[email protected]:redpanda-data/kminion.git
If you have some problems with kminion
You may open issue on kminion support forum (system) here: to kminion repositories
Here you may see kminion alternatives and analogs
technology-talk scrapy-cluster alpakka-kafka kmq gosiris kafka-health-check pipeline graylog2-server kq jocko thingsboard cilium dnc atmosphere gizmo librdkafka ksql CAP oryx seldon-server secor surging enqueue-dev kafka-rest myth goka syslog-ng kafka-php rsyslog pykafka