It is web-app in which you can add your memories by adding tags, title ,time of upload(automatic) and description about it, you can also like others post and search posts by name of memories and tags. you can later edit your post also and delete too according to your wish. It is fully responsive web-app with google authorization, expiry-session and pagination features.
How to download and setup me-mo-ri
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of me-mo-ri repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with me-mo-ri
Or simply clone me-mo-ri with SSH
[email protected]:kirtisingh3008/me-mo-ri.git
If you have some problems with me-mo-ri
You may open issue on me-mo-ri support forum (system) here: to me-mo-ri repositories
Here you may see me-mo-ri alternatives and analogs
material-ui react-starter-kit MaterialDrawer material-ui-superselectfield vsc-material-theme material-dashboard Android-Iconics Android-SwitchIcon relay-starter-kit Wi-PWN material-chip-view react-admin sinn MahApps.Metro.IconPacks material-design-data expenses hexo-theme-one react-awesome-query-builder Alerter floatingsearchview Carbon MaterialAbout FancyShowCaseView React-Redux-Flask Elephant smooth-ui shards-dashboard devextreme-reactive builderbook