This project is a template for creating a nodejs library that can be used in production.
How to download and setup node-js-library-template
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of node-js-library-template repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with node-js-library-template
Or simply clone node-js-library-template with SSH
[email protected]:timelessco/node-js-library-template.git
If you have some problems with node-js-library-template
You may open issue on node-js-library-template support forum (system) here: to node-js-library-template repositories
Here you may see node-js-library-template alternatives and analogs
pm2 frontend rest-api-node-typescript dgraph awesome-sre checklist-going-live suite btcrelay awesome-linuxaudio redux-remotedev production-data-science Ableton-Live-tools keras-serving elm-companies bitnami-docker-node reactnative-android-production PredictionAPI go-production-checklist chomp-decomposition production_ml ToDoList laravel-conditional-providers pug-symfony Deep-Learning-in-Production wasserstoff epic stetho-no-op dotenv-flow drupalvm-live