A vim/neovim colorscheme based on the syntax highlighting from Monokai Pro and the Nord color palette.
How to download and setup nordokai
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of nordokai repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with nordokai
Or simply clone nordokai with SSH
[email protected]:stonefeld/nordokai.git
If you have some problems with nordokai
You may open issue on nordokai support forum (system) here: to nordokai repositories
Here you may see nordokai alternatives and analogs
vim-bootstrap neovim deoplete.nvim vim-sneak denite.nvim nvim-completion-manager vim-dirvish awesome-vim-colorschemes chromatica.nvim NeoVintageous nvim-hs defx.nvim node-client iron.nvim deol.nvim deoppet.nvim nvim-parinfer.js acid.nvim dotfiles mkdx dotfiles semshi bolt.nvim dotfiles ncm-R nvim-terminus nvim angr.vim .dotfiles old_dotfiles