🔎🐛 Golang fmt.Println debugging and tracing tool capable of visualising function invocation paths.
How to download and setup printracer
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of printracer repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with printracer
Or simply clone printracer with SSH
[email protected]:DimitarPetrov/printracer.git
If you have some problems with printracer
You may open issue on printracer support forum (system) here: to printracer repositories
Here you may see printracer alternatives and analogs
js-stack-from-scratch cli prettier RxJava x64dbg debug-bundle reactor-core reactive-ms-example mitmproxy gatsby-starter-lumen reactotron Under-the-hood-ReactJS XCGLogger exabgp pwndbg boxx este netfox eslint-plugin-flowtype BouncyLayout debug platformio-core open-c-book workflower PPLKiller js-stack-boilerplate react-redux-typescript-guide node-in-debugging asyncomplete-flow.vim CocoaDebug