Most popular babel repositories and open source projects
? Babel is a compiler created by Sebastian McKenzie in 2014 to convert ES6 to ES5 (originally called 6to5). It has since become a toolchain that enables developers to write any next generation JavaScript and serves as a testing ground for proposals from TC39, the technical committee that specifies ECMAScript. Babel can also convert JSX syntax and strip out type annotations from both Flow and TypeScript. Babel is built out of plugins. Compose your own transformation pipeline using plugins written by the community or write your own.
Use the React CDN as well as Babel to make a Standalone React app with...
13 13 13
Allow react-native platform specific extensions to be used for other f...
1 13 13
Example of web automation using Page-Object-Model running on puppeteer...
1 13 13
Fullstack Web to manage stock, transaction history, generate pdf repor...
1 13 13
Use Kanban boards with filled-in tasks that have categories and time e...
0 13 13
Allows you to provide custom implementation of Object.assign in babel...
2 12 12
Example Music Player App feat. Sails.js, ES6, Angular (v1.x), Jade, Gu...
2 12 12
Babel plugin to extract strings from React components and gettext-like...
3 12 12
Fork this monorepo starter kit to create your own design system and us...
4 12 12
Transform JSX className property to a style property that gets calcula...
7 12 12
This is a simple Music Application using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express...
10 12 12