Most popular babel repositories and open source projects
? Babel is a compiler created by Sebastian McKenzie in 2014 to convert ES6 to ES5 (originally called 6to5). It has since become a toolchain that enables developers to write any next generation JavaScript and serves as a testing ground for proposals from TC39, the technical committee that specifies ECMAScript. Babel can also convert JSX syntax and strip out type annotations from both Flow and TypeScript. Babel is built out of plugins. Compose your own transformation pipeline using plugins written by the community or write your own.
This is a simple webpack boilerplate for your comfortable work with HT...
19 144 144
[🛑 DISCONTINUED] It has been a long journey but development of `genera...
14 142 142
Node.js / GraphQL project template pre-configured with TypeScript, Pos...
20 135 135
⛔️ DEPRECATED ⛔️ Bundle with Browserify, transpile and minify with Bab...
50 134 134
A simple boilerplate for web apps with React, Babel, and Rollup.
25 122 122
vue.js + vuex + vue-router + fetch + element-ui + es6 + webpack + mock...
43 122 122
Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Rout...
33 115 115
ReactJS 16.11 + new React Context API +react Router 4 + webpack 4 + ba...
37 113 113
This is a simple react boilerplate, without complex dependencies(eg. r...
18 111 111