Personal site for a designer with an interesting grid
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Посадочная страница интернет-магазина велосипедов:
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game of memory with emoji cards
Trying out the Forbes 400 API. Tracks the daily ups and downs of the w...
Modern publishing platform - landing page
My own website
Test task for a Frontend Developer position.
My personal page
Registro e Controle de Ponto de funcionários. (Em andamento) - Projeto...
Work in progress~ Projects, achievements and some designs need updatin...
Creacion de portafolio de acuerdo a la guia del taller brindado por Le...
search devs in github 🔎:octocat:
A hyperlight, extensibility-focused IE10+ CSS/SASS flex framework.
Projeto desenvolvido no curso de CSS flexbox da alura
tarjetas flexbox, utilizo bootstrap, vuejs, axios, agrego fondo y tarj...
This is a responsive landing page using bootstrap.
Html CSS Flexbox Website
Design With CSS3
Componente presente en todo tipo de UI, controla el brillo de uno o va...
A simple Responsive Website!
Schellingpoint Page
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A responsive signup form built using just flexbox 💪🏾.
Google Homepage Clone
Youtube Clone, Made by using react, html, css, material ui icons and c...
Projeto 01 Desenvolvido para o Programa DevInHouse do SENAI-SC, com o...
Site with the objective of learn to make responsives websites using Fl...
Code repository for a responsive kitchen recipe blog website { a solut...
A Javascript Library for arranging flexbox items in an orgainzed mason...
Random Quote Machine (freeCodeCamp Submission)
⭐Projeto: Os Gangorrinhas, nesse projeto é criado um site de apresent...
Проект: «Белая техника»
Projects from my Frontend Mentor challenges ranging from Newbie-Junior...
六角學院的 Flex 練習題目, 可查看部落格文章->
effects on Flexbox with css
Styled Flexbox Components
React: React movies Db API
Flex Box based portfolio -
hackernews clone angularcli typescript
Portfolio site displaying some of my fav projects (2019)
A tours guide to Africa's beauty.
Showcase of my work through the courses
In this, I use Flexbox and custom CSS properties, masks and SVGs.
Marvel Universe Character Information. Development - Progress
Web App criado para ensino do português adaptado, para deficientes au...
Created using VScode and Create React App temlpate
Udacity frontend nanodegree first project - Personal Blog website
Clone responsivo da langing page da Netflix utilizando HTML5, CSS3, Ja...
An application utilizing HTTP request via AJAX to obtain third-party A...
A repo to play around with HTML, CSS, Javascript based effects (animat...
Showing 1401 to 1450 of 1676 results