Speeding Up Web App Creation Process
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Simple CLI for creating .gitignore files.
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A custom command for git to manage the gitignore file (with help from...
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A simple CLI/utility to ensure certain patterns are present in a proje...
Template for a python project.
🏡 My homemade gitignores
Generate .gitignore file for your project
glob-fs middleware for automatically ignoring files specified in `.git...
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Config files for backup and synchronisation
Ivan's .dotfiles (setup script uses Node.js)
Syntax highlighting for 'ignore' files : gitignore, npmignore, dockeri...
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Atom Package. Automatically creates project files (like .gitignores an...
Quickly create .gitignore in your project using one simple command
A cli tool that creates gitignore file for your projects
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:rocket: My coding conventions based at configuration files
Create `.gitignore` file from any source
url, bookmarks, link to book, documents, manuals
Automate creating of .gitignore and local_settings when creating a new...
determine if any file is gitignored (complete Node.js implementation o...
What happens when you put .gitignore in .gitignore
A tool for downloading .gitignore templates.
:see_no_evil: Syntax highlighting proper for .gitignore files.
gitignore filetype for vim
Configuration files for a local development environment
Convert Gitignore to Glob patterns in Go
Transform .gitignore into .dockerignore
.gitignore for UiPath projects
Exercise to setup a repository with linter file and .gitignore file.
Website for pizza and sushi shop
Command line application to create .gitignore files in the terminal.
Home task for JavaScript course📒 ---Asynchrony / Timers / Date / Promi...
🔧 A CLI tool that automate your project startup (pretty README.md, LIC...
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:shushing_face: Command line tool to generate dotignore files
添加 / 更新 `.gitignore`。直接从 `github/gitignore·` 项目 `master` 分...
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Extension in Visual Code that facilitates the management of .ignore fi...
Personal dot files (vimrc, etc.)
Gitcom provides a data table for basic git commands. Git is a awesome...
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SixArm.com » git » gitignore configuration files
Configuration files and scripts shared between all js modules
My TLDR git documentation
Environment configuration
自动生成 .gitignore/readme/license 文件命令行工具
a clumsy batch file for use with bfg-repo-cleaner
.gitignore Cheatsheet :hacker:
.gitignore generator for terminal
Here are the dot files that I use for development.
The inspirational .gitignore boilerplate
Generate and save gitignore locally by scraping github's gitignore rep...
Dotfiles to i3, i3bar, zsh, bash, git and tmux
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Personal Shell Dotfiles