Most popular haskell repositories and open source projects
Haskell is a functional (that is, everything is done with function calls), statically, implicitly typed (types are checked by the compiler, but you don't have to declare them), lazy (nothing is done until it needs to be) language.
Huge list of videos, talks, courses for Haskell programming language.
60 1094 1094
Lambda the ultimate Pattern Factory: FP, Haskell, Typeclassopedia vs S...
43 940 940
Superfluid Protocol Monorepo: the specification, implementations, peri...
215 832 832
A curated package set and set of tools that let you build Haskell pack...
164 682 682
Release with confidence, state-of-the-art property testing for Haskell...
105 658 658
A little course to learn about some of the more obscure GHC extensions...
93 623 623