Most popular html5 repositories and open source projects
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, was primarily designed to provide a means of creating structured scientific documents. HTML can embed scripting languages such as PHP or JavaScript to affect the behavior and content of web pages. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) maintains both the HTML and CSS standards.
Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript example code and book exerc...
251 712 712
As of August 2021, 170+ works have been accomplished, challenge yourse...
151 712 712
"Technology Gold mine" to collect and share materials/resources
351 684 684
[Stop the maintenance] :musical_note: Maybe the best beautiful HTML5 r...
182 605 605
This project is for html & css practice. We made this for youtube tuto...
682 605 605
This course, "60 HTML CSS JavaScript Projects," was created to share m...
295 599 599
Fast and lightweight dependency-free vanilla JavaScript polyfill for n...
51 596 596
You can decrypt RPG-Maker-MV Resource Files with this project ~ If you...
98 545 545
A toolkit for creating responsive, accessible, multilanguage HTML5 e-l...
241 538 538