Most popular html repositories and open source projects
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, was primarily designed to provide a means of creating structured scientific documents. HTML can embed scripting languages such as PHP or JavaScript to affect the behavior and content of web pages. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) maintains both the HTML and CSS standards.
Generate HTML, XML, and other web content using Swift string literal i...
10 227 227
Do push code on which you are working or if you have solved any proble...
626 221 221
Minimal and dependency-free vanilla JavaScript polyfill for the awesom...
47 217 217
Explore Amazing Buttons animation for your next project. 🤩An initiativ...
495 216 216
:wrench: A simple, lightweight tool for composable HTML rendering in N...
12 215 215
A repo containing real life frontend challenges which you can use to p...
31 210 210
Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do...
25 206 206
:bowtie: Easy way to generate open-graph images dynamically in HTML o...
19 204 204