chi-chan is GOD.
1 4 4
A Hubot adapter for the Facebook Messenger platform
0 4 4
It's over when there's a winner.
Post emails in channels
4 3 3
Get information about AFL rounds in via your hubot
0 3 3
Discord bot using hubot and the hubot-discobot adapter with Discord.js...
A hubot script for NBA stats
Malcolm Tucker quote provider for Hubot
🦁 A handy bot for doing Colony things
A Disqus adapter for Hubot 🤖
1 3 3
🚲🤖 Get the status of nearby BCycle stations
Health checking endpoint for Hubot 🤖
Hubot adapter for
3 3 3
Hubot adapter using HTTP and Json as data format Edit
Heroku-backed chatbot-friend who lives in EDGI Slack
A hubot package for Business Process Monitoring (BPM) ChatOps integrat...
A playbook for skype and hubot integration on CentOS.
A hubot script that adds "Janet" from "The Good Place" hubot adapter
Hubot script for GitBucket notification
CPS Slack hubot
Logs chat messages to remoteStorage-enabled accounts
A hubot script for blazemeter integration
Scripts to keep track of hubot plugins, derivates, or packages.
Hubot script for commonly chosing a restaurant and optioanally collect...
Hubot commands for managing octopus deploy
code examples and slides. a series of demos on hubot, slack, jenkins...
A plugin for Hubot to log channels activity on ElasticSearch, and serv...
Automatically merge pull requests after contributors have given the th...
5 3 3
hubot roll (1d100)d(4d17 + 5)
Hubot script that interacts with the Terraform API
Human ❤ Bots
:robot: Quintessential package for generating dumb domain names
2 3 3
You can use Orky to register your own local bot in Microsoft Teams and...
Template of Hubot Docker container on Raspberry Pi
Hubot for FennecLab
Our witty bot
:nut_and_bolt: Annict integration script for hubot :wrench:
Interaction with Qubole Data Services APIs via Hubot framework
He is a nice guy, mecha-fujiwara
Exposes Hubot via a simple REST API to send messages to rooms and user...
A bot that tracks your outgoing pings on Slack 📩
extra hubot-ryver functionality
0 2 2
Hubot plugin to recognize jira issue numbers and respond with their ur...
2 2 2
A Hubot for all occasions ( floats on water! )
Implementación de transantiago-client para Hubot
😠🤖 When the GIFs and YouTube links get out of control
ChatOps (HuBot) on Docker
1 2 2
Get information about game servers with hubot commands
Showing 151 to 200 of 501 results