💻📜🐎 A FiM++ interpreter library written in C#
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A stack based programing language
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A Dart port of jlox, the Lox language's AST interpreter (http://www.cr...
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Reustmann is a Von Neumann architecture
The Interpreter of The Chill 0.3 Programming Language
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High-Level Phonology-Inspired Scripting Language
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Tusk is a dynamically typed language with statically typed features
Experimental Lispy mini-language
An interpreter for the BasilC esoteric programming language
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P.E.I is a Pascal like interpreter implemented in C
A command line tool for translating words.
Interpreter for a Join Calculus DSL (Join-Language) backed by a DHT
Logo Interpreter in Java
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A Lisp-y interpreter.
A CHIP-8 & SuperCHIP interpreter written in Rust using rust-sdl2
A small functional language with effect inference based on Koka.
The Lemni Programming Language
Old YodaScript interpreter
Really Outstanding LAmbda interpreter
Ruota - A Dynamic Programming Language Side Project
:ocean: an embeddable Scheme dialect focused on speed and low memory f...
A Rust port of the Ink programming language (thesephist/ink)
Rutgers TOPS-20 Common Lisp
Cat's Eye Technologies' implementation of (and tools for) the Beatnik...
First Attempt at a Toy Language Interpreter
liblisp; a lisp interpreter that can be used as a library written in c...
MemoCalc Palm OS application
JS-like script(C++)
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Go languange interpreter in C#, work in progress
Lisp interpreter implemented in Rust
A language based on meta-circular interpreters, precursor to Mascarpon...
JavaScript scripting engine Arduino IDE Library for ESP8266
Implementation of a 5DBF interpreter
I wanted to impress you guys so I built this interpreter.
My C++ implementation of the monkey programming language
Haskell implementation of the BoGL language
A simple interpreter written in c that I made for learning purposes
Provides to bind javascripts to Unity.
A Lisp-based golfing language with a half-byte codepage
The Official interpreter for the Pix programming language.
A Python 3.6+ package to run .many files, where many programs written...
Learning to make a Scheme interpreter in C
A read friendly Scheme implementation
Interpreted langague for better cmd
Brainfuck Interpreter written in Golang supporting custom commands
A New Programming Language To Introduce New Way To Code...
🚀 LavelLang - secure, compiled, object-oriented programming language
A concatenative programming language
A VM library for brainf**k written in rust
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open source tool for making setups , cli and scripts and running the...