Easily manipulate key-value stores in the browser and Node.js.
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Nginx module for the key-value store
Rekv is a global state manager designed for React Hooks and has good c...
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Log-Structured Merge-Tree in pure Erlang
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MongoDB storage adapter for Keyv
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Key-value Kafka Database
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Key-value store based on a trie data structure to handle the keyspace.
A Python port of Bolt key/value store.
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A React useReducer() hook to use dictionaries (keys and values) 🔑
Generic Golang Key/Value trait for AWS storage services
An embeddable, persistent key-value store optimised for sequential rea...
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A fast and strongly encrypted key-value store written in pure Golang.
Fast serializable C++ dictionaries
A lightweight key-value cache system developed for experimental purpos...
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Easy in-memory key-value cache for single-threaded environments
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Golang based hack to experiment the uses of IPLD through the IPFS DAG...
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A simpe key value store using Github.
μBase is an oversimplistic key-value database wrapper on top of aiosql...
Just! Python interface for Y! MDBM, Python MDBM Wapper
A form for editing json data
基于属性委托的 key-value 方式存储封装
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Simple in-memory key-value storage with TTL for each record.
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Oh-My-PickleDB is an open source key-value store using Python's json m...
high performance key-value database written in Go. Based on Google Lev...
The Maslak library converts your flat object to key and value objects,...
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Ultra fast lock-free cache library
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Guru is an efficient and super easy library to use Android Shared Pref...
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Take RDBS and convert to a KV of your choosing
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A simple and efficient key-value library that can be easily integrated...
SortedSet and SortedMap with skip list for Go
⛈ In-memory key-value multithreaded database
Official PHP Driver for BerylDB.
Multithreaded key value pair store using thread safe locking mechanism...
A Key-Value Mapper app for MacOS, created with Kotlin and Compose Desk...
remote protocol layer for keydb using gRPC. deprecated. use robaho/lev...
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A fast in-memory key-value store with a REST API interface for easy de...
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🔍Search for data in Consul K/V store
Simple Key-Value Database with persistent storage.
Light weight package to manage key value based configuration and data...
🗄️ Networked in-memory key-value store.
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A simple key-value store based on gRPC and protobufs
A web server layer to RocksDB that supports multiple databases and a R...
An insanely fast and lightweight key value database with json and bina...
cb-store is a common repository for managing Meta Info of Cloud-Barist...
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dddb a simple dlang database build on top of std.json
Just! PHP interface for Y! MDBM , PHP mdbm wrapper
A Node.JS ORM for key-value datastores
Key value config management for Laravel
golang consul tools
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