Overleaf / ShareLatex in Vim
7 57 57
📡 The Ultimate Containerized NeoVim Remote Server
1 57 57
The simplest way to install and launch JDTLS
4 57 57
files that start . and makes my Linux box awesome.
6 57 57
Eric Lee's Dotfiles for MacOS and Neovim
A Neovim plugin to format your code using Black
8 57 57
Inline markdown image/gif/video/pdf/LaTeX previewer for nvim using ueb...
2 57 57
Declarative keymappings configuration using cascading trees
Personal files repository
17 57 57
Neovim emmylua library
1 56 56
IDE-Like support for NeoVim
Integration Colorize text with ANSI escape sequences (8, 16, 256 or T...
3 56 56
Git support for dirvish.vim
4 56 56
My ultimate Vim configuration
18 56 56
Jump to the definition of variables or functions in VimL code.
7 55 55
My configs with whistles and bells
2 55 55
🎨 Omni color scheme for Neovim.
1 55 55
🚀 kitty, neovim, zsh, ohmyzsh, powerlevel10k 🔧
15 55 55
Taoso's vimrc
10 55 55
Personal dotfiles for macOS and Linux.
9 55 55
The dotfiles for my linux system •••
🔑 1Password for Neovim! Built using the 1Password CLI, Go, and Lua.
Use any language that compiles to Lua in your Neovim configuration
4 54 54
nvim-cmp source for Neovim plugins
0 54 54
🌲 Use tree(1) for quick navigation.
2 54 54
Execute local Fennel Lisp files in Neovim upon startup
1 54 54
Create Neovim `:map`pings in Lua with ease!
3 54 54
A busted wrapper for testing neovim plugin
Like VSCode-Jest, but for Vim
2 53 53
Neovim plugin to expand incrementing/decrementing to more formats.
0 53 53
Completely theme responsive, lean, streamlined lua configuration for n...
5 53 53
Don't let the cursor move while Yanking in Vim/Neovim
⚙️ My System Configuration
3 52 52
How I like things.
11 52 52
Tiling window management that sucks less. Inpired by wmii and i3.
10 52 52
7 52 52
🔄 Async Vim/Neovim plugin for showing the number of your outdated p...
4 51 51
My *NIX dotfiles [i3wm, URxvt, tmux, zsh, rofi, cmus, irssi, vifm, mut...
11 51 51
handlers for required lsp actions
2 51 51
2 50 50
PyGTK3 frontend to Neovim with some visual GUI elements.
4 50 50
Jest extension for coc.nvim
13 50 50
coc.nvim extension that provides TSLint support using the typescript-t...
7 50 50
A TabNine completion source for completion-nvim.
💎 My vim/neovim, fish, git, and tmux configuration files
Port of famous gruvbox theme in lua(inspired by gruvbox-material)
1 50 50
/boot: No such file or directory
3 50 50
3 49 49
My vim dotfiles for python, go and javascript development
18 49 49
:innocent: Visual highlight for your cursor.
1 49 49
Showing 1051 to 1100 of 1560 results