Like fzf.vim but for fzy and neovim with Lua API
2 24 24
My personal NeoVim setup
10 23 23
viml completion source for coc.nvim
2 23 23
🔯 A collection of my rc files (tmux, neovim, zsh, fish, poetry, git,...
A dark color scheme for Neovim with support for LSP, Treesitter. This...
iAwriter's Focus mode for vim
1 23 23
`~/dotfiles` to setup my dev env on macOS based around `neovim` and `t...
5 23 23
My .files
4 23 23
A vim plugin for adding import statements (for python and more) withou...
neovim plugin to retrieve the name of the running LSP client(s) and di...
Dotfiles for my awesomewm/i3 Arch setup & neovim
An easier way for managing dotfiles.
0 23 23
A neovim project management plugin
nginx-language-server extension for coc.nvim
generate colors for your terminal from any Neovim colorscheme 🌈
A calming vim/neovim colorscheme
2 22 22
oh-my-zsh/zgen/powerlevel9k, neovim, brewfile, vscode, iterm2, macos...
3 22 22
Simplistic chain completion plugin for Neovim
1 22 22
Dumb simple async task runner for Vim
6 22 22
vital.vim external module collection
A black colorscheme for vim, real black background, #000000
7 22 22
Lightweight and well documented Vim/Neovim configuration. Easy to use...
Easy foldtext customization for [neo]vim.
Edit Lua scripts in Vim/gVim/Neovim. Insert code snippets, run, compil...
Todoist plugin for Neovim in pure Lua, inspired by
A minimal, dark blue theme for NeoVim
configuration for vim, bash, zsh, etc...
4 22 22
provides tag auto completion for asyncomplete.vim via vim tagfiles
5 22 22
Right click menus to run macros in terminal Vim and Neovim.
0 22 22
Easily convert your CSS colors without leaving your favorite editor.
Format program files in vim using your favorite command line formatter
doq (python docstring generator) extension for coc.nvim
🏠 dotfiles for my macOS environment
My dotfiles, with an out-of-date install-script. Arch, Tiling WM (i3,...
VIM on steroids
Experimental rewrite of Conjure in Lua via Fennel - success, this is f...
0 21 21
Light and dark colorscheme pair for Vim
1 21 21
A minimal light colorscheme for Vim/Neovim
File manipulation commands for vim-dirvish
3 21 21
Vim library to generate tree-like views
My personal set of dotfiles (Managed with Stow)
Rime input method source for coc.nvim
Awesome NeoVim files for Go and Javascript development
8 21 21
⚫️ Gabriel's (me) personal dotfiles
My dotfiles
2 21 21
A modern nvim config for front-end developer.
6 21 21
personal neovim configuration as a Docker image
11 21 21
Increment/decrement plugin using denops.vim
Low level Neovim library.
4 20 20
My dotfiles for Arch Linux, macOS, Neovim, LunarVim, i3wm, Zsh, Kitty,...
0 20 20
Showing 1301 to 1350 of 1560 results