辅助解决iOS编辑链接出现duplicate symbol时对库文件重新打包,选择性删除...
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An easier way to watch for file system events.
A convenient utility for splitting stings with a minimal memory footpr...
Enumeration Class for Objective-C
An easier & safer to use interface for cryptographically secure rando...
An easy-to-use singleton which manages `NSWindow` and `NSWindowControl...
Testing iOS View pager in objective c from edisonlz git
PracticeYNPageViewController in objective c
LEDTextLabel for macOS. Implemented purely in code. No dependency on e...
An easy-to-use category for `NSData` and `NSString` to encode data in...
(DEPRECATED) EasyNSURLConnection is a simple framework that allows one...
A safer and easy-to-use interface for managing and manipulating memory...
An easy-to-use preferences manager