Raft 分布式共识算法动画演示中文版,加强理解Raft领导选举和日志复制两大...
10 83 83
MIT 6.824 2018 lab. MIT6.824分布式系统(2018秋)
20 82 82
a repository for my curriculum project
67 81 81
TuringCell: Run Linux over Paxos/Raft
4 75 75
Java 实现的分布式系统课程(MIT6.824)
18 74 74
支持秒级分布式定时任务系统, A high performance distributed task schedu...
23 72 72
Yet another distributed fault-tolerant key-value database Compatible w...
77 69 69
eraft-rs is raft component of etcd-rs
11 68 68
raft is a golang library that provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic...
8 68 68
RaftKeeper is a high-performance distributed consensus service.
16 68 68
An Open-Source, Distributed MQTT Broker for IoT.
17 65 65
Coolbeans is a distributed work queue that implements the beanstalkd p...
6 63 63
Easy to use Raft library to make your app distributed, highly availabl...
An C++ implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm based on jrpc
14 61 61
27 61 61
The labs of Raft consensus algorithm based on MadSim.
6 61 61
Raft distributed consensus for WebAssembly in Rust
3 61 61
A distributed MQTT broker,based on raft and rocksdb. 基于raft协议与roc...
34 60 60
Distributed KV Storage System based on Raft and RocksDB, can be use to...
20 57 57
利用 Go 语言实现多种分布式算法
7 56 56
FT Naming service based on RAFT
7 55 55
MIT's 6.824: Distributed systems course (2017)
26 54 54
Regatta is a distributed key-value store. It is Kubernetes friendly wi...
3 50 50
High-performance distributed sync service and atomic DB
7 49 49
A Rust implementation of distributed replicated log based on the Raft...
7 48 48
Raft-based, consensus oriented implementation of Mnesia transactions
9 46 46
A simple database based on raft and rocksdb
7 46 46
🪁 A consistency, partition tolerance completed distributed KV store, i...
9 43 43
A fault-tolerant distributed key-value store using the Raft consensus...
dister(Distribution Cluster)是一款轻量级高性能的分布式集群管理软件,实...
8 42 42
Straightforward implementation of Raft Consensus
10 42 42
⛵ A distributed key-value store based on Raft. (WIP)
1 41 41
14 41 41
A distributed lock service based on the Raft protocol. It provide coar...
4 41 41
🌈 raft-badger implements LogStore and StableStore Interface of hashic...
3 41 41
Biser is a cross-platform Binary and JSON Serializer for .NET / dotnet...
1 37 37
Fast and Scalable RPC Framework
2 37 37
🔥 Golang basics and actual-combat (including: crawler, distributed-sy...
11 36 36
Distributed Systems
8 35 35
A Raft based K-V database implemented with cpp.
4 35 35
An Implementation of Raft using ZIO in Scala
5 35 35
12 35 35
Distributed chat system built with rust
8 34 34
Distributed Message Queue based on Raft
8 33 33
Replicated key-value store driven by the raft consensus protocol :moun...
5 32 32
consensus-yaraft is a library for distributed, strong consistent, high...
7 31 31
my tech blog, using markdown
5 31 31
mit 6.824 raft 协议的完整实现
14 31 31
MIT6.824 Distributed Systems
8 31 31
Raft is gaining popularity in distributed systems as a simple and pow...
6 30 30