Most popular sass repositories and open source projects
Sass is a stylesheet language with a main implementation in Ruby. It is an extension of CSS that makes improvements to the old stylesheet format, such as being able to declare variables and using a cleaner nesting syntax.
A Magento 2, SASS based boilerplate theme with focus on ease-of-use an...
10 25 25
Production-ready 11ty+Gulp+Webpack Starter that features Nunjucks, SAS...
2 25 25
Yeoman generator for frontend apps including webpack, karma, sass and...
7 24 24
Boilerplate for an Electron-app created with Webpack 4, React and Sass...
6 24 24
It's Reddit, but the entire thing looks and behaves like TikTok. Made...
10 24 24
MERN Login & Register Dashboard (My SQL, Express, React & Nodejs)
2 24 24
Portfolio template for any developer or designer. Made with love towar...
13 23 23