Most popular sass repositories and open source projects
Sass is a stylesheet language with a main implementation in Ruby. It is an extension of CSS that makes improvements to the old stylesheet format, such as being able to declare variables and using a cleaner nesting syntax.
Start your Jekyll (v3) project with Zurb Foundation for Sites (v6, sas...
66 179 179
Browser hack sass mixin - Apply your SCSS to a specific browser - CSS...
34 176 176
A starter application based on Ruby 2.4, Rails 4.2 and Bootstrap for S...
69 175 175
Yeoman generator for Angular projects using Webpack, ES6, SASS with so...
31 173 173
Completing 100DaysOfCode challenge by making 1 project every day using...
45 168 168
This library provides extra authorization and multi-tenant features to...
25 160 160
:microphone: Prepare for the interviews and sum up the most popular in...
30 151 151