Django Rest Framework Toolkit
4 5 5
Luma Style Guide
0 5 5
Go 语言编码规范参考
2 5 5
🍩 Our Sass foundation.
0 4 4
Code styleguide for Traceto projects.
3 4 4
Generates gemini test cases from a patternlab styleguide
The JS Concord group is a group of developers striving for a more cons...
5 4 4
:nail_care: Rules for writing beautiful codes.
REST API Documentation Guidelines
Capital On Tap Experience is an end to end design language to create a...
4 4 4
A minimal approach to base UI design and templating
1 4 4
Greenpeace Planet 4 Styleguide
Beautiful Javascript code at Actano
Gulp plugin for integrating AEM with a styleguide
Css methodology that respects independence and equality
Рекомендации к оформлению кода, призванные упростить поддержку проекто...
Eslint rules to achieve better code, using Airbnb styles rules
2 4 4
Discussify's living styleguide
Enhanced theme for Fractal, a tool to help you build & document web co...
A component library template for your CSS code
A styleguide driven, utility-first approach to building a personalized...
⚛ A collection of reusable react components
Example of Style Guide for Le Wagon student projects
[Depreciated] Cook delicious styleguides using Gulp!
A style guide for dissertations and other research publications.
A starterkit to create styleguides with Storybook and Twig.
Library - Easy living styleguides with Symfony and Twig
style guide and brand assets for the Uno Platform
10 4 4
company guidelines on all things programming
Lookback's internal tools for managing styling across our web products...
:scroll: Guidelines for contributions to the blvd group
🖍️ A versatile personal color pallette. Super heavily inspired by tail...
iOS Coding Style Guide
Guides, Utils, Scripts and Templates for PowerShell
Auto-magical system to style your WordPress site.
Style guides for wpilibsuite projects
🏬 City-Jekyll theme and style guide for a fast, sass-y responsive web...
Style guide for embedded C.
👩🏻💻 My code style guide 📔
Like tailwind but with css variables
Style guide for developing applications
Design styleguide for Fermyon Technologies
📐 Guides for programming in style
0 3 3
✨ Code style guide and shared linters configurations.
1 3 3
🧼 Slightly Better CSS is a lightweight (2KB) stylesheet for any proje...
Godot Engine game project naming style guide.
Use Vale to check against GOV.UK style rules
My R Programming Style Guide(in Persian)
Showing 351 to 400 of 879 results