Typewriter inspired text editor at the command line.
0 8 8
Small Wordstar-like text editor for X11.
1 8 8
This basic text editor was written in an hour, and can only read and w...
1 7 7
IDE and Text Editors settings
サクラエディタ 改修 skura-editor one | https://note.com/nekomimix_jp/n...
0 7 7
A little text editor for the terminal, written in Go.
4 7 7
Text editor optimized for Git on Windows
A JavaFX-based text editor.
A simple, offline-first text editor for your next browser tab.
A web worker, offscreen canvas, gap buffer text editor
2 7 7
tvx: TVX is a portable full-screen editor for CP/M, MS-DOS, GEMDOS, RT...
A theme to emulate the pip boy design from the Fallout game series.
Lightweight Text Editor
5 7 7
amacs: AMACS extensible editor in 6502 assembly by Brian Fox
Bend is a modern text editor for Windows.
A text editor for the TI 84 Plus CE written in C
Simple frp text editor for testing and learning purposes.
A basic text editor app like ViM in C99 Language
3 7 7
A vim-inspired text editor using ncurses and C++
Text and code Editor
[E]ditor [I]n [S]hell :icecream: - Vim-like text editor written in she...
A minimalistic text editor for terminal fanatics. Download it for Linu...
A free Python source code editor and Notepad replacement for Windows
A Lightweight web based Open-source Text Editor. Currently under Beta...
RyuseiCode is a lightweight, extensible and accessible code editor.
A "mini" implementation of vim :3
A web text editor application that allows users to create, edit, store...
This repo is my personal collection of themes/tricks/snippets/configur...
the new unix/linux text editor
My emacs config file
Lightweight, easy command line editor
APP Notelocked is a simple editor to save encrypted texts with a passw...
A browser-based text-manipulation toolkit. No server required. Re-desi...
An infinite canvas of text to edit and explore! All changes and edits...
0 6 6
Text editor,speech,analysis using react
15 projects build with java
Blazingly fast neovim configuration
File Explorer & Editor built with React, following the principles of c...
An easy to use desktop text editor and REPL built using Electron, Reac...
1 6 6
Tiny console text editor
A fork of Tomorrow-Night-Bright color scheme with some minimal modific...
Small editor for UTF-8 files, multilingual, multiplatform
2 6 6
Android Native TextEditor with Image and Rich Text Support
3 6 6
Toy text editor in rust
A multipurpose lightweight rich text editor created using JavaFX
4 6 6
Notepad for the future - a swiss army knife file editor/viewer. Won "B...
A gap buffer implementation for Zig.
👀 Write your post here, and see how it'll look on Instagram - Simple...
A simple text editor written in Erlang
Avestan language text editor
Showing 451 to 500 of 1549 results