Most popular typescript repositories and open source projects
TypeScript is an open source programming language developed by Microsoft and first released in 2012. It is designed to add type safety to JavaScript while conforming as closely as possible to the syntax and semantics of the ECMAScript standard. It is a syntactical superset of the JavaScript programming language; all valid JavaScript source code is also valid TypeScript source code, but not vice-versa. TypeScript compiles (or transpiles) to JavaScript, meaning that it can be utilized to target any JavaScript environment. It can be used to develop JavaScript for both client-side and server-side applications.
Ejercicios de código semanales en 2023 de la comunidad MoureDev para p...
1888 2716 2716
Notes for Fullstack Software Engineers. Covers common data structure a...
369 2692 2692
A javascript scrollbar plugin that hides native scrollbars, provides c...
182 2650 2650
🦝 Glide Data Grid is a no compromise, outrageously react fast data gri...
202 2626 2626
Curriculum for learning front-end development during #100DaysOfCode.
416 2590 2590
A Chrome Extensions boilerplate using React 18 and Webpack 5.
817 2520 2520
基于vue-cli5.x/vite2.x + vue3.x + ant-design-vue3.x + typescript hooks...
616 2404 2404