Most popular web-application repositories and open source projects
A web application is any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP, usually via a web browser. Web apps do not have to be installed on a user's device; they are run from a remote server. This differs from mobile apps, which are installed on the user's mobile device, and desktop applications, which are installed on the user's computer. Common examples of web apps include Flash games, online calculators, calendars, Gmail, and Facebook.
Data science web application for analysis motor vehicle collision in a...
1 7 7
Discover the Movie App repository! A single-person project delivering...
0 7 7
In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to build a single-page...
0 7 7
A face detection web app powered by SSD face detecctor using Flask, Op...
4 6 6
Implement a photo album web application, that can be searched using na...
3 6 6
File management system using Django for CS50: Web Programming with Pyt...
3 6 6
A small project to run javascript code directly into the webpage... ju...
2 6 6
This repository contains the Flutter UI design of the Login, and Sign...
3 6 6