Apache MyFaces Html5 Renderkit
8 5 5
🙄 gow!!! a micro go web framework.
3 5 5
web-sparrow-Framework - 前端轻量级框架
1 5 5
Mirror of Apache Wicket Web Site
17 5 5
An online e-commerce website with client side products management.
0 5 5
Minimalistic web framework based on misultin, zml, and epgsql_pool
scheme web application framework
Complete Laravel Application
A quick example app that shows how to get started with joy
Tiny, super-simple but versatile quasi-(M)VC Web Framework for PHP
Mirror of Apache Struts Sandbox
7 5 5
Mirror of Apache Struts Annotations
9 5 5
App to get you up and running quickly with Apache Isis
Unic is a high performance, open source web framework
Simple functions-as-a-service platform written in Rust, with a built-i...
The lib of java web MVC framework
Easy to use SSR Node.js framework, with TypeScript, JSX, Sass and much...
Practico Framework PHP es una herramienta de código abierto para el di...
2 5 5
Struts1-Upgrade to current technology
A batteries included rust web framework ⚡🏊
Flattery is a library for building HTML elements using Widgets.
0 4 4
Framework. Responsive. Dark mode. Customizable
2 4 4
A Swift DSL for writing type-safe CSS
A nano python web-framework.
1 4 4
simplistic nodejs web framework
ProtoSharp Web Server based on C#
(archived, for a full C version) A fastcgi webframework under C++ base...
Actix Web Framework 1.x ←🔗→ AWS Lambda + API Gateway
A better grid, and a lightweight modular web framework to use as base...
4 4 4
Fast server-side web framework
TigerJS Javascript Library (Retired)
Apache Geronimo Microprofile JWT Auth Implementation
11 4 4
📐 一个轻量的 Java 框架
Acute Markup Language - HTML/XML in Julia
Build microservices easily with box
🔌 Create REST APIs on an Arduino Uno!
An online website which login the user and then shows the various cour...
Mirror of Apache Tapestry 3
13 4 4
Mirror of Apache Geronimo Devtools
7 4 4
Mirror of Apache Flex - Site (Incubating)
14 4 4
Server-side Web Framework
Mirror of Apache cayenne website
9 4 4
Centrallix Application Platform
8 4 4
Routes from database for your application
Functional style web framework for OpenResty
Apache MyFaces ExtVal
Apache MyFaces Trinidad
A simple express-inspired web framework written in your favorite progr...
App that demonstrates the Apache Isis programming model.
6 4 4
SecureWebApp - Secure Web Application Template for ASP.NET Core 5.0