A multiboot chainloader that makes PCI serial cards available for lega...
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Set of functions providing atomic operations (addition, subtraction, e...
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Application to test the functionality of the RDRAND instruction in x86...
An *very* WIP x86 emulator written in C++
Programatically roll your AWS IAM access key (aws_access_key_id) and s...
🎲 A simple OS for x86 16/32bits
Matrix multiplication routine written in assembly.
Provides functions for not-so-common bit operations and more.
Bootloader for legacy BIOS computers.
A kernel for x86 based systems.
Single file, 0 compilation, 0 dependancy (other than python), windows...
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A toy 32-bit operating system for x86
Bochs Enhaced Debugger (bochs-bed). A modern console debug experience.
A poorly written OS for the x86 arch. (WIP)
⚙ Verificador de digito de CPF em Assembly X86
Learning how to write a operating system kernel.
own programming language, Interpreter
Task Dialog Samples in fasmg
fig-Forth - closely based on the fig-FORTH Installation Manual - suppo...
Umbrella libraries for modern windows development (with fasmg).
Statically linked and size optimized core system utilities for FreeBSD...
Bienvenido usurio, estaremos subiendo codigo asm de 16 y 32 bits para...
posix compatible os (zos)
DGEMM on KNL, achieve 75% MKL
Yet another busybox / toybox tool. This one's written in Intel x86-64...
EasyWinHax is a C++ library designed to provide basic and low abstract...
Cloud Computing presentation, QEMU from https://github.com/qemu/qemu
Simple OS with modular kernel - Rework (W.I.P)
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A simple C++ header with functions and inline assembly to work on floa...
IEex loader for IEex - github.com/Bubb13/IEex
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A small native JIT compiled (x86) functional language experiment.
Operating System for x86
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Make an OS in everyone's favorite language.
Code to generate the x86 translation of the webassembly trace for any...
Extensible script compiler and executor
:computer: alOS is an operating system for x86 PCs, written in assembl...
A modern UNIX like system that aims to go back to the roots of UNIX
Forth in 512 bytes, an attempt
Learn assembly, with NASM and Linux.
A hobby x86 kernel. Superseded by https://github.com/ZystemOS/pluto
The empty smallest EXE file
Game Of Life in x86_64 assembly language.
Conway's game of life in x86 assembly
x86 inline assembly language Mandelbrot and Julia fractal program (Win...
[DEPRECATED] This repository has been merged into toaru-nih
A fun little package for Unity that provides a rudimentary webinterfac...
M.A.X. Mechanized Assault & Exploration
APP for MPOS ( Mobile POS) 互联网+POS,基于美国中餐馆传统POS架构进行技...
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Test suite for x86 emulators