Most popular xamarin repositories and open source projects
Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned, San Francisco, California-based software company. It was founded by the creators of Mono, Mono for Android, and MonoTouch, which are cross-platform implementations of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) and Common Language Specifications (often called Microsoft .NET). With a C#-shared codebase, developers can use Xamarin tools to write native Android, iOS, and Windows apps. The apps have native user interfaces and share code across multiple platforms, including Windows and macOS.
Sample code to demonstrate how to track a devices' background location...
8 19 19
A client library that makes it easy to work with the Microsoft Cogniti...
9 18 18
An iOS and Android app built in Xamarin.Forms demonstrating how to int...
5 18 18
A cross-platform app that assists remote Computer Science education by...
2 18 18
Android MIDI Device Service for Android Fluidsynth. Deprecated. See fl...
3 18 18
A simple library that extends Couchbase.Lite to provide extension meth...
7 18 18
Pure C# Implementation of Various WiFi SmartConfig Protocols: AirKiss...
8 18 18
Appercode UI Framework allows to build user interface of cross-platfor...
9 17 17
Example of protecting a Xamarin.Android app with Dotfuscator’s Root Ch...
3 17 17