🏠 My dotfiles
2 10 10
My collection of portable dot/config files for Arch Linux
0 10 10
My Zsh & Tmux theme
1 9 9
Kare's dotfiles
0 9 9
A small collection of my files with a dot in them.
2 9 9
A vi-mode plugin for Zsh.
4 9 9
💻 My personal dotfiles -> Always improving 🚀
A Zsh-Zinit annex (i.e. an extension) that allows to automatically dow...
My personal dotfiles used on various distros, using both sway and i3.
A web app using the Django framework. Frontend using HTML, CSS, javasc...
22 9 9
Automatically add ~/opt/*/bin to $PATH
🍚 🌿 Rice and herbs!
A Zsh theme based off of molokai, powerline, ys and agnoster
All dotfiles in one place. Backed up with version control.
:rainbow:A ZSH theme similar with agnoster-zsh-theme.
Shell Script for automating the Web development environment on Ubuntu...
5 9 9
My dotfiles from around :octocat:
You are sick of entering the ticket number manually for each commit? S...
My dotfiles
Personal configuration files for a large chunk of my desktop environme...
myzsh is a configuration framework for zsh
my dotfiles
3 9 9
An easy to configure .zshrc with 256 color support, github status, pro...
Maciej Sypien personal dotfiles for macOS, Linux (ubuntu)
💾 dotfiles for setting up macOS development environment
An annex for Zinit that allows to install and manage additional submod...
My kitchen environment for cooking awesome products:sushi::sushi:
Current Setup: Arch+i3
A collection of my tool's preferences and workspace configuration.
@luizdepra's dotfiles. Powered by https://git.io/dotbot :robot:
Linux dotfiles and scripts
The sachin21's dotfiles
Minimal zsh prompt theme
Powerline shell like prompt in Go
Development setup
1 8 8
These are my sublime, vim, tmux, bash, zsh, git and various other sett...
5 8 8
macOS environment setup; macOS Catalina compatible
2 8 8
my personal dotfiles
zsh setup for revtel
0 8 8
🌵 Very quick shell prompt that supports multiple shells.
A Zinit-Zsh annex that allows to install plugins without specifying th...
My dotfiles.
10 8 8
🎨 A Minimal ZSH theme
dotfiles for development on macOS and Linux
Coronavirus Assistant in your terminal to help you prepare for COVID-1...
Bash helper scripts for python/javascript developers.
4 8 8
zsh plugin for proxy
Gerard Braad's dotfiles; using Git and Stow