A chatbot implemented in TensorFlow based on the seq2seq model, with certain rules integrated.
How to download and setup ChatLearner
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of ChatLearner repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with ChatLearner
Or simply clone ChatLearner with SSH
[email protected]:bshao001/ChatLearner.git
If you have some problems with ChatLearner
You may open issue on ChatLearner support forum (system) here: to ChatLearner repositories
Here you may see ChatLearner alternatives and analogs
gold-miner tensorflow keras TensorFlow-Examples data-science-ipython-notebooks machine-learning-curriculum handson-ml tflearn EffectiveTensorflow TensorFlow-Tutorials TensorLayer seq2seq onnx tutorials TensorFlow-World tensorflow_cookbook tensorflow-nlp darkflow sketch-code deepo faceai gocv object_detector_app ChosunTruck lambda-packs TensorFlow-Book DeepSpeech Mask_RCNN stanford-tensorflow-tutorials facenet