A plugin for your Xcode project that stops you from working outside work hours
How to download and setup DoNilDisturbPlugin
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of DoNilDisturbPlugin repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with DoNilDisturbPlugin
Or simply clone DoNilDisturbPlugin with SSH
[email protected]:icanzilb/DoNilDisturbPlugin.git
If you have some problems with DoNilDisturbPlugin
You may open issue on DoNilDisturbPlugin support forum (system) here: to DoNilDisturbPlugin repositories
Here you may see DoNilDisturbPlugin alternatives and analogs
filepond tingle ClangFormat-Xcode awesome-xcode-extensions SCXcodeMiniMap SCXcodeSwitchExpander SwiftMockGeneratorForXcode foxman scrapy-zyte-smartproxy gulp-htmlmin slinky vim-sneak vim-dirvish sidr jquery-match-height tandem Small sentinl BetterDiscordApp eslint-plugin-compat Paster videojs-ass hyper-statusline hyper-tabs-enhanced hyper-pane grav-plugin-git-sync filebrowser hatch EasyClangComplete crane