基于微信网页版 HTTP 协议的机器人引擎(含一些机器人)。WeChat bot engine based on WeChat HTTP protocol of WeChat Web Edition, several bots included.
How to download and setup WeChatBotEngine
Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/moontide/WeChatBotEngine.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of WeChatBotEngine repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with WeChatBotEngine https://github.com/moontide/WeChatBotEngine/archive/master.zip
Or simply clone WeChatBotEngine with SSH
[email protected]:moontide/WeChatBotEngine.git
If you have some problems with WeChatBotEngine
You may open issue on WeChatBotEngine support forum (system) here: https://github.com/moontide/WeChatBotEngine/issuesSimilar to WeChatBotEngine repositories
Here you may see WeChatBotEngine alternatives and analogs
telegram-list derek botkit messenger-bot jbot facebook-messenger PokemonGo-Bot bottender messaging-apis securitybot ArchiSteamFarm ccxt ChatterBot diffbot-php-client hedwig discord.py trump2cash integrations redd graw Mynt Imgbot hubot hubot-slack webbybot marvin BotFramework-Hubot huemul serverless-slackbot kalliope