Cloup is a template manager that provides the files you desire when you need them, written in Rust.
How to download and setup cloup
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of cloup repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with cloup
Or simply clone cloup with SSH
[email protected]:benja/cloup.git
If you have some problems with cloup
You may open issue on cloup support forum (system) here: to cloup repositories
Here you may see cloup alternatives and analogs
react-starter-kit contributing-template coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template hyperHTML viperHTML yadm Handlebars suicrux Hartija---CSS-Print-Framework ratchet suspenders TemplateStudio AngularWebpackVisualStudio svelte boilr nodebootstrap react-native-meteor-boilerplate graphql-starter-kit django-jet pongo2 koa-vue-notes-api koa-rest-api-boilerplate d2-admin tufte-latex latex-mimosis LaTeX-Template-Cn grunt-email-workflow email-templates hermes react-email-editor