A simple library for creating animated warnings/dialogs/alerts for Android.
How to download and setup Noty
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of Noty repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with Noty
Or simply clone Noty with SSH
[email protected]:emre1512/Noty.git
If you have some problems with Noty
You may open issue on Noty support forum (system) here: to Noty repositories
Here you may see Noty alternatives and analogs
react material-ui ionic-framework materialize storybook layui material-design-icons flutter awesome-android-ui material-dialogs framework7 react-native-elements OnsenUI Hero Material animated-tab-bar whoops SnapKit folding-cell kivy MaterialDrawer BottomBar recharts quasar ice material-components-web linux-dash ungit mdb-ui-kit bootstrap-table