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🛩ī¸ 🚒 đŸ”Ĩ A project based in Autonomous and Intelligent Agents. This project was built using Java, JADE (JAVA Agent DEvelopment Framework) and Rapid Miner Studio. The scenario chosen for this project was to combat fires with the use of flying and terrestrial autonomous and intelligent vehicles, like trucks and airplanes. In this scenario we have, as agents, the trucks, airplanes and the headquarters (responsible for coordinating the airplanes and trucks). And also, as an environment, the fires and the water supply stations (rivers, seas, lagoons, among others). Airplanes and trucks would have limited fuel and water supply capacity.

How to download and setup fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator

Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator repositories. You pass git clone a repository URL.
it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.

Also you may download zip file with fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator/archive/master.zip

Or simply clone fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator with SSH
[email protected]:rubenandrebarreiro/fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator.git

If you have some problems with fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator

You may open issue on fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator support forum (system) here: https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/fire-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-agents-simulator/issues

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