How to use sprite sheets with PixiJS and optimize your game for faster startup.
How to download and setup pixijs-sprite-sheet-example
Open terminal and run command
git clone https://github.com/CodeAndWeb/pixijs-sprite-sheet-example.git
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of pixijs-sprite-sheet-example repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with pixijs-sprite-sheet-example https://github.com/CodeAndWeb/pixijs-sprite-sheet-example/archive/master.zip
Or simply clone pixijs-sprite-sheet-example with SSH
[email protected]:CodeAndWeb/pixijs-sprite-sheet-example.git
If you have some problems with pixijs-sprite-sheet-example
You may open issue on pixijs-sprite-sheet-example support forum (system) here: https://github.com/CodeAndWeb/pixijs-sprite-sheet-example/issuesSimilar to pixijs-sprite-sheet-example repositories
Here you may see pixijs-sprite-sheet-example alternatives and analogs
material-design-icons aseprite pixijs particle-emitter pixi-live2d DuckHunt-JS react-pixi-fiber awesome-pixijs phaser-state-transition metacar pixi-haxe pixi-seed gown.js Phaser-Kinetic-Scrolling-Plugin Leaflet.PixiOverlay sound Rotten-Soup LegendOfMountainSea animate-extension FairyGUI-PixiJS pixi-sdf-text gameplate GAME-Tetris Creature_WebGL doom-lgs anim8js d3-force-webgl-integration-demo pixi-svg pixi-richtext pixi-game