How to download and setup todo-txt
Open terminal and run command
git clone
git clone is used to create a copy or clone of todo-txt repositories.
You pass git clone a repository URL. it supports a few different network protocols and corresponding URL formats.
Also you may download zip file with todo-txt
Or simply clone todo-txt with SSH
[email protected]:robarnolddev/todo-txt.git
If you have some problems with todo-txt
You may open issue on todo-txt support forum (system) here: to todo-txt repositories
Here you may see todo-txt alternatives and analogs
dotfiles awesome-vscode polacode vetur vscode-restclient vscode-code-runner vscode-portable VSCodeNotebook visual-studio-code OpenInCode vscode-project-manager vscode-markdown-pdf vscode-bookmarks vscode-intelephense vscode-palenight-theme monaco-editor CN-VScode-Docs public Vim graphql-starter-kit vscode-hack azure-iot-developer-kit graphiql vscode-R themer vscode-react-native vscode-docs vscode-chrome-debug vscode-icons vscode-jest