Swift Half-Precision Floating Point
1 8 8
A Light weight JSON Mapper
WeekdayPicker is a custom UIDatePicker with weekdays.
7 8 8
Valy is string validation library with Swift 4.
0 8 8
Swift client for Camo
a lightweight tool to easily implement listener pattern
Like a UISlider for music.
Unofficial Pocket Casts API Client written in Swift
ProgressHUD using Lottie from Airbnb
Search SDK for iOS with preconfigured UI in Swift
16 8 8
Drag card with finger to see its both sides
version 5 of SDK
3 8 8
A convenient library to show a loading shimmer effect while loading da...
Elegant Auto Layout syntax, compatible with iOS 8
4 7 7
Lightweight REST API communicator written in Swift, based on Foundatio...
🗜The utility interface for Associated Object
3 7 7
Template of Xcode Playground for testing Carthage libraries.
1 7 7
0 7 7
Speed up you app's launching when you using Carthage or Punic to manag...
Super sweet syntactic sugar for making AttributedString.
Swift Flux Micro Framework
ReachabilityUI is a framework that is meant to help displaying the Net...
An open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for process...
BLBubbleFilters gives you bubble filters à la Apple Music.
2 7 7
More customizable Universal Split Controller for IOS device family.
Swift validator library
MQTT Client written in Swift
9 7 7
Combine CocoaPods, Carthage and SPM easily
Simple logging for Swift.
0 6 6
Protocol-oriented Scrollable TabBar written in Swift 4
A simple whiteboard library, based on UIView. (一个简洁的白板库, 基于...
1 6 6
A lightweight and easy to use wrapper for Auto Layout Constraints
A local Carthage cache based on library version, toolchain, xcode and...
Simple environment management for iOS / macOS / tvOS / watchOS!
iOS 라이브러리 관리도구인 Carthage 를 적용해본 샘플입니다. 미디엄에...
AlertController written in Swift
Simple and useful circle UIImageView.
A lightweight photo browser for iOS Apps
A SDWebImage plugin to integrate PINCache for custom image caching
2 6 6
Tired of implementing the data sources over and over again? Want to us...
Coding is more Swifty NSCoding. It can archive even pure Swift class a...
4 6 6
GLPI API Client Library for Swift
6 6 6
iOS InstagramAPI SDK written on Swift
HTTP Logging support for Alamofire
SDK para criptografia e validação de dados do cartão de crédito para i...
A swift color library.
Simulate your Server APIs locally without Internet connectivity requir...
A wrapper for libaom + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods &&...
3 5 5
Create or parse CoreData managed object model XMLs
4 5 5
Showing 601 to 650 of 987 results