A light weight & high performance cache for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watc...
0 0 0
Save and replay http requests in Swift
Carthage prebuilt ijkplayer framework(ijkplayer播放器的Carthage预构建...
Python.framework for macOS
Repository that contains iOS libraries binaries for Carthage
MBAudience plugin for MBurger
micro iOS framework for presenting view controllers when you don't hav...
1 0 0
Reads a Cartfile and clones selected repos replacing the the Carthage/...
A Swift micro-library, giving easy access to the HIG's color guideline...
The application to show VK news feed using VK SDK and VK API
iOS EOCore library repo
An extensive Objective-C OAuth 1.0a library for AFNetworking.
2 0 0
Simple Dynamic Framework, providing abstraction over Foundation's netw...
Easy to use functional calendar for iOS projects.
Releases & integration documents for Rakuten Reward SDK iOS
An adapter layer for REST APIs with cacheing
[DEPRECATED] Clean room reimplementation of Carthage tool
DropDown: An extension of UIButton
Small To-to app with on boarding messages
Fast work with Flickr API
The application using the VK SDK and the VK API, displaying the user's...
Provides an abstraction for mathematical angle written in Swift 4.
First ever iOS app. As a part of learning, I'm doing my old, naive rem...
To add Carthage Build Phase
Development facilities for iOS 9+
A Framework to extend NSManagedObject with some static helper function...
A simple Eokoe iOS users list app.
SeaDog is a set of NSConstraint extension to make life with auto layou...
add carthage support for
Use IBM Watson to tell if pictures have a hot dog in them. Uses Cartha...
The CleanSwift framework.
A little BDE Tool with Xcode
A Swift dLog implementation.
µ framework for resolving MIME type from Data objects.
3 0 0
Simple parser for Kindle eBook Reader generated 'CSV' files containing...
🛠 xcfilelist generator for Carthage
A network request tool based on URLSession
a simple PopupDialog for picking a color from a list of colors
CasingTools is a Swift Library you can use to change the casing of str...
Swift Extension Pack 📦
CocoaPods dependencies. Carthage compatible.
Showing 901 to 950 of 987 results